
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Bangladesh

Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University (HSTU) is relatively new as a university having been established in 1999. However, as an academic institution its history dates back to 1979 when it started its journey as an Agricultural Extension Training Institute (AETI) created to offer three year diploma course in Agriculture. In a matter of a decade it was elevated to degree-giving institution in 1988 and named as Hajee Mohammad Danesh Agricultural College. Ultimately based on the performance of Agricultural College but more importantly to cater to the crying need for highly skilled manpower in Science and Technology and for promotion of research in these vital areas Prime minister of that time Sheikh Hasina declared to upgrade Hajee Mohammad Danesh Agriculture College to Science and Technology University on February 1999 in a public meeting held at Gor-E-Shahid Maidan of Dinajpur.
On 6th September the property liabilities was handed over of former Agriculture College from Ministry of Agriculture to Ministry of Education. On the history of establishment of this University the 11th September is a glorious day. On this day of 1999 the Prime Minister of Peoples Republic Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina inaugurate the activities of this University by setting the foundation stone. After setting up the foundation stone, Prof. Asnisur Rahman was appointed as Project Director to establish the university. First batch of the students were admitted at that time (1999-2000 session). The Act of the University was passed on 8 July 2001 in the Jatio Shongsad (National Assembly) with was followed by a gazette notification on 8 April 2002.

At its inception it had inherited only the faculty of Agriculture but soon five faculties were added to it. At present the faculties are: (1) Agriculture (2) Veterinary and Animal Science (3) Fisheries (4) Business Studies (BS) (5) Agroforestry and Food Processing Engineering (AFE) and (6) Computer Science and Engineering. There are total of 39 departments under these faculties. In addition to these Bachelor of Science offering faculties there is the Faculty of Postgraduate Studies offering MS and PhD degrees. Besides, there is also an Institute of Research and Training that conducts and coordinates research programmes and offers training to graduates and farmers. Thankfully, unlike most public universities of Bangladesh, HSTU does not suffer from session jam and is running smoothly.

Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University is the first Science and Technology University in the northern region of Bangladesh. It stands away from the urban din and bustle at a beautiful and scenic location some 13km north of Dinajpur town by the side of the intercity highway that links Dinajpur to Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh.



Computer Science, Information Technology and Telecommunication are sine qua non for modern education. The prime objective of the

Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) Faculty at HSTU is to produce quality and efficient graduates in the field of Computer Science, Electronic Engineering and Telecommunication to meet the growing demand of the country.

Degree Offered
1. Computer Science and Engineering.
2. Telecommunication and Electronics Engineering

·         Department of Computer Science & Engineering
·         Department of Computer Science & Information Technology
·         Department of Computer Engineering
·         Department of Telecommunication & Electronics Engineering
·         Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
·         Department of Mathematics & Physics
·         Department of Social Science & Language


It was the first faculty at the inception of the university. Its importance cannot be overestimated as it forms the nucleus of the university. Bangladesh is primarily an agricultural country. Over 60% of its work force is involved full time or part time in Agriculture. Although intensive agriculture is practiced in many parts of the country, there are still regions where the agriculture is largely traditional with low production and productivity as a consequence. There is now serious realization among the policy makers that economic development of the country depends largely on increasing the production from and productivity of our already limited and shrinking farm land; and this in turn can be achieved by modernizing the agricultural practices through judicious use and application of inputs and modern implements. To achieve this goal we have to have trained graduates with technical know-how. HSTU is committed to produce dedicated graduates for the Agricultural development of the country.

·         Department of Computer Science & Information Technology
·         Department of Computer Engineering
·         Department of Telecommunication & Electronics Engineering
·         Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
·         Department of Mathematics & Physics
·         Department of Social Science & Language

Business is the engine for the economic growth. The Faculty of Business Studies was established in 2004 with the prime objective of producing competent graduates with a deep knowledge about Business and its paraphernalia. Emphasis is placed on marketing, business management, finance and business administration.

Degree Offered
Bachelor of Business Studies

·         Department of Management.
·         Department of Marketing.
·         Department of Finance & Banking.
·         Department of Accounting.
·         Department of Economics.


Bangladesh being an Agricultural country produces different kind of food. Fruits are produced in great abundance in their season. A sizeable portion of these fruits are spoilt because of lack of processing and preservation facilities in the country. This applies for possible food and food products. This point has gone home to our policy makers who are encouraging establishment of food industries all the country to process and preserve this food in products with long shelf life. The prime objective of opening of the Agro-industrial and Food Processing Engineering faculty is to produce competent graduates in the field of food processing, preservation, food sciences and nutrition together with knowledge of basic Engineering, chemistry, microbiology, quality control, food hygiene and management of food industries.

Degrees Offered
1. B.Sc. in Food & Process Engineering.
2. B.Sc. in Agricultural and Bioresource Engineering

·         Department of Food Science & Nutrition
·         Department of Food Processing & Preservation
·         Department of Agricultural & Industrial Engineering
·         Department of Food Engineering & Technology


The Faculty of Fisheries was opened in 2004. It caters to the academic need of one of the most important sectors of our economy. Water is one of the greatest resources of Bangladesh with immense potential for development. The country is blessed with vast number of rivers and its tributaries, canals, lakes, ponds and other large and small water bodies. Proper development of these water bodies can have great impact on our economy and nutritional status. This calls for proper aquaculture and management of the water bodies. One prime objective of this Faculty is to produce highly trained graduates to develop the fisheries resources of the country.

Degrees Offered:
B.Sc. in Fisheries.

Departments of Fisheries
·         Department of Aquaculture
·         Department of Fisheries Biology & Genetics
·         Department of Fisheries Technology
·         Department of Fisheries Management

Veterinary and animal science together constitutes a very vital discipline that provides on one hand for the prevention and treatment of land animals and for the production of healthy productive livestock and poultry on the other. In fact Veterinary and Animal Science is an essential component of Agriculture particularly where animals are important drought power. The prime objective of the establishment of the Veterinary and Animal Science (VAS) faculty at HSTU is to make concerted efforts towards achieving the goal of providing up-to-date and quality education to ensure the protection of health of our animals and improvement of their productivity as source of food and power. The faculty produces confident and dedicated professionals to meet national and international demand in the fields of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science.

Degree Offered
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M.)

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