
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Thai Koi Fish Culture

Koi fish is popular to the people as it is a very tasty and nutritious fish from the ancient time. Once upon a time koi fish found in a plenty in the canal, small rivers, swamp, inundation land of Bangladesh. Koi fish is the most popular and tasty fish among the all fish of Bangladesh. This fish is also very precious nowadays. Koi fish is also known as climbing perch, koi fish, anabas testudineus etc. It is a local fish breed of Bangladesh. Koi fish is generally a freshwater fish. This fish can be found in small rivers, canal and swamp. Nowadays commercial koi fish farming in pond is very popular. Commercial farming method, classification, benefits of Thai koi fish farming and care are described below.

Classification of Koi Fish:

Scientific name and classification of koi fish are listed below.
Kingdom         :       Animalia
 Phylum           :       Chordata
  Class              :       Actinopterygii
    Order              :       Perciformes
      Suborder         :       anabantoidei
        Family            :       anabantidae
          Genus             :       anabas
           Species           :       atestudineus
              Scientific Name        anabas testudineus

Benefits of Thai Koi Fish Farming:

  • The main benefits of cultivating Thai koi fish commercially are listed below.
  • Demand of koi fish is very high; as a result its market value is comparatively higher always.
  • Able to survive in adverse environment and mortality rate is very low.
  • Can be cultivated in greater density.
  • Can be cultivated in small pond or cage.
  • Become suitable for sale comparatively in short time, within 3-4 months.
  • Economically profitable and can be cultivated multiple times per year.
  • Diseases are less in koi fish than other fish breed.
  • Can be cultivated relatively in small capital.
  • According to the formula, pellet for koi fish can be made in own house.
  • Koi fish is mainly insectivorous. For this reason koi fish can be cultivated by providing insects, small fish, toad minnow, snail, oyster flesh etc.
Farming Method:

There are about no difference between Thai koi and deshi koi. But there are some black spots in the backside of the body of Thai koi and their body is flat than deshi koi. This fish is very fast growing and can be cultivated in both small pond and cages. However, cultivating in pond is more profitable.

Pond Selection and Management:

It would be better if the pond situated in open air and sunshine place. Clean the bush of pond shore. Cut the branches if there any big trees in the shore and ensure 8 hours sunlight every day. Especially small pond is very suitable for thai koi fish farming. The perfect size of the pond is 20-30 decimal. Small sized pond is easily maintained. Ideal depth of the pond is 5-6 feet. Firstly remove the water from the pond and make it dry. Remove the excessive clay from the pond because excessive clay creates harmful gas. Use some sand for minimizing the amount of clay. Sand keeps the water clean and environment of the pond fresh.

Using Lime and Fertilizer:

After making the pond, use dry lime at the rate of 1 kg per decimal. Use 5kg cow-dung per decimal after applying lime. After using organic fertilizer enter water to the pond and after that spray 200g urea and 200g TSP per decimal by mixing with water. Release the minnow of Thai koi after 5-7 days of applying organic and chemical fertilizer. If it become not possible to make the pond dry then make sure that the pond is free from all types of cannibalistic fish and other animal. For this reason using rotenone is very effective. After removing aquatic weeds and cannibalistic fishes from the pond use 1kg lime per decimal and after 3-5 days of that use 5kg dung, 200g urea and 200g TSP per decimal. 5-7 days after applying the fertilizer to the pond release minnow when the color of the water will be slightly green.

Feed Management:

Thai koi is a very fast growing fish. For this reason ensure the sufficient supply of feed. Feed management can be done in two ways which are described below.

Rough Feed Management:

For desired growth of koi fish the farmer must have the efficiency of rough feed management. This is the primary feed management system and mainly for poor fish farmer. In this system snail or oyster flesh, toad minnow, tripe or fishmeal (not regularly), rice dust, cake etc. can be used. Using at least one among the above mentioned feed and using other occasionally can bring good result. High quality rough feed can be made for thai fish by mixing 25% fishmeal, 30 rice dust, 25% cake, 20% roughage together.

Commercial Feed:

For regular and commercial koi fish farming the farmer have to ensure sufficient supply of high quality pellet feed to get expected production. This pellet feed should contain 30-35% protein. If this feed is not available then lobster and shrimp feed can also be used for koi fish. The formula of making pilled for koi fish are described below.

Fish meal
Bone And Meat Meal
Blood Meal
Mustered Cake
Rice Dust
Wheat Chaff
Dried Molasses
Oyster Powder

Feed Applying Rate:

Commercial thai koi fish farming requires high rate of using feed for first few days and reduce this rate gradually. Use approximately 10% feed at first month according to the body weight of fish, 6% in second month, 4% in third month, and 3% at fourth month. Give the total feed twice a day to the fish. Food providing rate for 4 months of 1000 koi fish are listed in the following table.

Age (Days)
Feed (Gram)

Other Management:

If there excessive moss, gas and the water become foul-smelling due to using excessive feed and fertilizer (especially rough feed) then use a medicine named golden back or lime mixing with water after every 15 days. If any diseases occurs in the fish then meet the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Special Care:
  • Quality of water is very important for koi fish farming. Always keep the moderate rate of PH in the water. Koi fish has no interest in phytoplankton. So, remove the phytoplankton bloom from the water.
  • Use net so that they can't go outside from the pond in rainy season.
  • If any disease occurs in the pond then meet doctor as soon as possible.
  • Always provide healthy feed.
  • Use high quality minnow.
Collection and Marketing:

If koi fish are cultivated in the above mentioned methods then it will be suitable for collection and sale within 3-4 months. While collecting for sale each fish weights about 40-80 grams. For selling purpose collect fish at dawn. For collecting all fish from the pond, make it dry and sell quickly.

1 comment:

  1. How can a perch became a koi when they are totally different family koi is carp on the other hand perch belong to different family
