
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Mango Production & Technology in Bangladesh

Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is one of the most common, important and popular fruits in Bangladesh. It is considered as the ''king of fruits''. Besides, having delicious taste, captivating flavor with multifarious color, it is an excellent source of nutritive values.

Bangladesh is one of the major mango producing countries along with India, Pakistan, Mexico, Brazil, the Philippines, etc. (Alexander, 1989). In Bangladesh, mango occupies about an area of 50,491 ha with a production of 187220 tones according to BBS, 2003. It is now in an increasing trend in area by 112% and in production by 116% in the year of 2000-01 compared to 1984-85 (BBS, 2002).

Monday, March 18, 2013

Pigeon Rearing

Pigeon farming is very interesting, profitable and it is a very familiar domestic bird. It is considered as the symbol of peace. Almost all types of people, who have facilities, raise some pigeon in their home. Pigeon rearing requires low labor and investment and also can be raised in leisure time. The meat of baby pigeon (squab) is very tasty, nutritious and restorative. On the other hand pigeon rearing can be a great source of some extra income. Raising pigeon in modern method is very profitable than traditional way. So, to be successful in pigeon rearing modern farming method is a must.

Soil Fertility Management & Soil Acidity and Liming

The goal of soil fertility management is to create soil chemical conditions that encourage plant growth and supply required nutrients in the amounts and at the times they are most needed. Liming materials and plant nutrients may be added to the soil in many forms and can be done so in a way that maximizes the economic benefits of nutrients while minimizing any environmental impact. The ways in which crops respond to these applications often are different because some soils have inherent physical limitations to plant growth. Soil testing is the best guide to soil fertility. Plant tissue analysis also may be helpful when used in conjunction with soil testing. Some highlights of soil fertility management are presented in the following sections.

Plant Nutrients

The plant nutrients taken up by crops during the growing season may come from many sources, including soil reserves, added fertilizer or manure, and crop residues. Nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are required in large quantities, while others are required in very small quantities. Nutrients such as sulfur, calcium, and magnesium are required in intermediate quantities. Soil supplies for nutrients required in small quantities (micro-nutrients) need not be large, but the nutrients must be available to the plant.

Quail Farming

Quail farming is very easy and entertaining because it is the smallest species of poultry bird. The Japanese scientists first turned the wild quail to domestic bird. Commercial quail farming in Japan spread tremendously. Now, people throughout the world performing quail farming commercially for meat and egg production. Quail farming is very profitable like chicken and duck farming. Almost all types of weather condition is suitable for quail farming. Meat and eggs of quail is very tasty and nutritious. Quail egg is very nutritious than other poultry egg because it contains comparatively much protein, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, B1 and B2. Quail farming can play a vital role to meet up the demand of nutrition. Quail farming needs small capital and labor. It can be raised in accordance with other poultry birds.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Importance of Fish Farming in Bangladesh

Fishes plays a very important role in the employment, national economic development, providing nutrition and earning foreign currency. About 5.3% incomes come from fish among the total national income. Bangladesh has great advantages of fish farming for environmental and natural facilities. The importance of fish farming in in Bangladesh for improving nutrition condition, increasing employment, earning foreign currency and improving socioeconomic condition etc. are described below.

Common Carp Nursery Pond Management

Nursery ponds are very important for producing fish seeds/fingerlings. Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) nursery pond management in Rajshahi city was observed for a period of 6 months in 2009. Findings are briefly described here.

Pre-stocking management:
  • Pond collection: Majority farmer collected ponds through lease system. Lease duration was generally 3 years and pond collection cost was reasonable.

Home fortification of foods

The sheer size of the global malnutrition problem remains staggering.  Nearly 50 per cent of the world’s infants and young children suffer from anemia caused by a lack of the right nutrients.  The direct effects that this and other nutrition deficiencies can have on a child's health and growth can be extreme.  But beyond that, a simple lack of the all the needed micronutrients can affect a child's ability to learn in school, undertake work as an adult effectively and fight off disease throughout their life.  It is not surprising therefore that both treatment and prevention of child malnutrition is high on the agenda of Governments, NGOs and companies alike.

Different Type of Soils in Bangladesh

Physio-graphic units:
There are 23 physio-graphic units under 3 geomorphologic (geo-earth; morphi-form; logos-knowledge) division of Bangladesh soil-
A. Flood Plain Areas (80% of the country)
  B. Terrace Areas (80% of the country)
  C. Hill Areas (12% of the country) 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Bee Farming

Sweeping the bees from their natural environment and farming in cage by scientific methods and modern technological ways is called apiculture or bee farming. According to the weather of our country, Indian bee is most suitable for farming. These types of bees are small in size, golden colored with white stripe. They usually lives in the hole of trees in multiple parallel room. Accessing routes are arranged with parallel hole. In scientific bee farming system bee cages are made in this method. Farming bees in this system is called apiculture.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Thai Koi Fish Culture

Koi fish is popular to the people as it is a very tasty and nutritious fish from the ancient time. Once upon a time koi fish found in a plenty in the canal, small rivers, swamp, inundation land of Bangladesh. Koi fish is the most popular and tasty fish among the all fish of Bangladesh. This fish is also very precious nowadays. Koi fish is also known as climbing perch, koi fish, anabas testudineus etc. It is a local fish breed of Bangladesh. Koi fish is generally a freshwater fish. This fish can be found in small rivers, canal and swamp. Nowadays commercial koi fish farming in pond is very popular. Commercial farming method, classification, benefits of Thai koi fish farming and care are described below.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Duck Farming

Duck farming is very popular and a lucrative business. All ducks of world comes from the wild birds. Those wild birds wonder around our country once upon a time. Those birds like other Asian wild birds wonder around the water and forest of our country. Those wild birds are from mallard species. Incidentally, all hen of the world comes from red wild hen, which scientific name is garaus banbinda. Everyone knows that duck is an aquatic organism. Duck without water and pond without fish are considered as same. But it is wrong. You can’t imagine pond without water, but duck can be raised without water. Thousands of ducks can be raised without water by keeping them in house like chickens and other poultry birds. But, keep in mind that in this system the ducks will lays unfertilized egg. It is not possible to hatch and produce baby ducks from this egg. If you want fertilize egg, male ducks and water is essential. As ducks can rise easily without water, they need water only for reproduction or mating purposes.

Pests des petits ruminant (PPR) Disease

Pests des petits ruminants disease is also known as PPR disease. It is a viral disease of goat. Almost all aged goat may get infected by this disease. The mortality rate of PPR disease is very high, about 90%. Every year thousands of goat die through this disease. Which affect goat production and economy very much.

PPR first detected in Ivory Coast of Africa at 1940. Later this disease spread throughout the world. This disease is so fatal that it can be called as goat plague. Goat farming is a very profitable business. So, every farmer should take necessary steps to prevent this disease.
PPR is a viral disease. The germ of this disease generally spreads through air, feed, water etc. Basically it is a contagious disease.

Small scale Black Bengal Goat rearing on Bangladesh

Goat rearing is an integral part of many farming systems in Bangladesh. The goat is probably the only animal which in Bangladesh is managed for multiple end uses: meat, hides, milk and manure. It provides one of the main sources of income for the farmers of Bangladesh. It is a major contributor of protein and fat and often the goat enterprise can help farmers to overcome an unforeseen crisis, which demands immediate finance.
The goat is a prolific animal; twins or triplets are common in kidding. The cheese is worldwide recognized according to its quality. The skin of the Black Bengal goat in particular is unique throughout the world (Banerjee 1980). Cash income from the goat is utilized in different sub-sectors of the farm. Goats in general are hardy animals and in wild or semi-domesticated state they rarely suffer from serious disease.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Bangladesh

Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University (HSTU) is relatively new as a university having been established in 1999. However, as an academic institution its history dates back to 1979 when it started its journey as an Agricultural Extension Training Institute (AETI) created to offer three year diploma course in Agriculture. In a matter of a decade it was elevated to degree-giving institution in 1988 and named as Hajee Mohammad Danesh Agricultural College. Ultimately based on the performance of Agricultural College but more importantly to cater to the crying need for highly skilled manpower in Science and Technology and for promotion of research in these vital areas Prime minister of that time Sheikh Hasina declared to upgrade Hajee Mohammad Danesh Agriculture College to Science and Technology University on February 1999 in a public meeting held at Gor-E-Shahid Maidan of Dinajpur.

Lychee production in Bangladesh

The lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) belongs to the family Sapindaceae and sub-family Nepheleae. It is one of the most important sub-tropical evergreen fruit trees which grow well in Bangladesh. Another member of the sub-family ‘Anshphal’ (Euphoria longana Lam.) also grows in Bangladesh, mostly in backyards. It bears longan type but small sized fruits of little commercial value.
Lychee is a highly priced, popular and major table fruit in Bangladesh. It comes to market in the months of May-June when the market is full of other fresh fruits, particularly mango and jackfruit. But in spite of the availability of different types of fruit in the market the demand for fresh lychee is always very high due to its unique taste, flavour and colour. The supply of lychee is insufficient and its availability is only for about 60 days. High quality fruits of elite cultivars like ‘Bedana’ and ‘China-3’ are in short supply due to their very limited area coverage. The average per hectare yield of lychee is about 2.5 MT, which is also low in comparison to other countries.

Green Manuring on crops

I. Introduction
 The practice of green manuring involves incorporation of plant material into the soil with a view to augmenting soil fertility. The plant material is mostly of leguminous plants. They are either grown in the same field where they are intended to be turned down or collected from outside and used in the stipulated field.

Sometimes, the effect of green manure crop may not be recognized in the first instance. But its effect is definitely noticed on succeeding crops in crop rotation. It supplies plant nutrients and humus to the soil and helps conserving native plant nutrient. Humus keeps the soil particles knitted together thereby resisting loss of soil erosion.